Attire: What does one wear for a massage, et al appointment at the spa? Personally, I think one should wear what's comfortable. This might also depend on your plans before and after your massage. Some people bring an extra change of clothes and change. However, for your sessions themselves, attire is a whole other thing. Massages like Shiatsu and Thai require comfortable, yoga-like clothing. No jeans! Your therapist will need to stretch you and you will be contorted into several different positions throughout so yoga-like clothing, shorts or tights are best, although we are trained to professionally drape you. For regular massages on the table (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Thai-Swedish and/or Shiatsu-Swedish, etc.), no clothes are needed underneath your sheet and/or blanket. This depends, however, on the level of comfort you have with your own body and the therapist working for you. Expect to be handled, while naked, but draped professionally and handled with dignity. Underpants are fine...
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