SharePoint Mobile App Previews Come to Android and Windows 10 Mobile

SharePoint Mobile App Previews Come to Android and Windows 10 Mobile
SharePoint Mobile App Previews Come to Android and Windows 10 Mobile
In June 2016, Microsoft released the first version of the SharePoint mobile app for iOS—your intranet in your pocket. Now, they are filling more pockets by introducing the SharePoint mobile app for both Android and Windows 10 Mobile previews.
The SharePoint mobile app helps keep your work moving forward by providing quick access to your team sites, organizational portals and the people you work with throughout Office 365 by letting you search for content and people across your organization. They leverage the Microsoft Graph to power several of the in-app experiences, providing you relevant information to get to the content and people you work with most frequently.
Android: Main Sites tab showing Frequent and Followed sites.
Android: Team site showing site activity, files, lists and the full site navigation.
Windows 10 Mobile: Main Sites tab showing Frequent and Followed sites.
Windows 10 Mobile: team site showing site activity, files, lists and the full site navigation.
You can use the SharePoint mobile app to:
- Navigate from Sites to team sites you follow or frequently visit.
- Navigate from Links to important sites configured by your organization.
- Catch up on what’s happened with the Activity view, which shows recent file activity in your team site.
- Open your document libraries with the OneDrive app and then edit your files using Office mobile apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.
- Learn more about people you work with and discover what they are working on.
- Perform an enterprise-wide search to find sites, files and people throughout your organization.
- Android first: you’ll be able to launch a PowerApp from a team site directly in the SharePoint mobile app.
Catch up with all your team’s news in the SharePoint app on iOS
If you use the SharePoint app on iOS, you get the first look at the mobile experience of team news. When you tap the Newstab, you will see a list of aggregated news using the intelligence of the Microsoft Graph from the sites you work in, the sites you follow and the sites your colleagues work in. SharePoint mobile on iOS gives you one place to catch up on the news from across your intranet. That’s your news in your pocket!
News on SharePoint mobile will come to other platforms as a future update.
Learn more about SharePoint mobile app for Android and the SharePoint mobile app for Windows 10 Mobile.
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